Friday, 20 September 2013

Ax 2012: Publikování kódu na server

Pokud upravujete kód, který je prováděn na serveru (batch nebo nějaký jiný server job), pak je vždy po úpravě kódu v Ax potřeba kód publikovat do CIL.
Provede se to použitím tlačítka ve vývojovém prostředí

Ax 2012: System.AccessViolationException error

Problem: Ax client crashes when Ax client starts or user clicks on functionality in Ax client.

Symptoms: New code modification was published on AOS but clients have cached old versions.

Solution: Clear *.auc files and User's usage data.

1. Files should be removed from C:/Users/%user%/AppData/Local. Remove all *.auc files.

2. User's usage data can be cleared by user - Ax Client > File > Tools > Options > Usage data > General > Reset.

3. User's usage data can be cleared by admin - Ax Client > System administration > Common > Users > Users > User detail > Options > Usage data > General > Reset


Ax 2009: Debugging of batch jobs

Ax 2012: Debugging of server/batch jobs

All batch jobs and service operations now run in managed code (IL) and require different debugging steps.  Rather than setting breakpoints within X++, you need to set them within the IL code that corresponds to the X++ code and debug in Visual Studio.

  1. Open Visual Studio as 'administrator' and attach the debugger to the Ax32Serv.exe process.

  1. Once done, open up the file you want to debug in Visual Studio. All of the X++ code is compiled into IL and can be found in the following directory after deployment:..\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics Ax\6.0\Server\AxaptaDev\Bin\XppIL\source\
  2. Set a breakpoint in the file you opened.
  3. Go to Ax and run the process in batch mode, or execute the service operation. This will end up hitting your breakpoint, provided you set it in the right place.
If you make some changes to X++ code and want those changes reflected in the generated IL code, you need to do the following AFTER you have compiled the X++ code.Once done, your changes will be reflected in your next debugging session.



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